
Spectacular Scarlet Runner Beans

Scarlet Runner Beans are in a league all their own in the bean world. They are often grown purely for ornamental reasons, as they are beautifully stunning with their red blooms and climbing vines. However, even though they are ornamentals they are delicious edibles too!

These pretty perennials, sometimes called multiflora or multiflowered beans, are exceptional members of the Fabaceae family (legume family). This family of plants not only includes the Scarlet Runner Bean (Phaseolus coccineus), but also other nitrogen fixers such as soybeans, peanuts, and alfalfa. Scarlets are native to the uplands of Mexico and Central America. These beans have been cultivated in England since the 17th century and soon after in the USA.

Sowing Scarlets

To cultivate your own beans, find a sunny spot with well-drained soil and enough space to place a trellis, or something similar, to allow the beans to climb vertically as they grow. When planting these beans, do so after the threat of all spring frosts has passed, and temperatures are above 60°F, as they do not do well with frosts or extreme temperature drops. Sow your bean seeds 4” apart from each other and 6” away the trellis. Water beans regularly, but do not oversaturate or wet the leaves. Keeping them from becoming overcrowded or remaining in wet conditions will reduce the likelihood of developing fungus. Various types of beetles can damage your beans. Sprinkling diatomaceous earth around your plants can help prevent this.

Nutritionally Speaking

In a one cup (150 grams) serving, Scarlets offer 498 calories, 2.5 grams of fat, 25 grams of protein, and 92 grams of carbohydrates. The beans also provide calcium and non-heme iron. One thing that is important to note is that the timing of when you eat the beans is important. Scarlet Runner Beans can be eaten raw when they are still immature pods. However, as they mature they need to be cooked before eaten. As with most beans, Scarlets contain small quantities of lectins. Lectins are proteins that bind to carbohydrates, and protect plants from damaged caused by insects and pathogens. Scarlets contain the lectin phytohaemagglutinin. Phytohaemagglutinin in large quantities is toxic, but the toxic effects can be reduced by soaking, sprouting, fermenting, or heating the beans at high temperatures (>185°F) for >10 minutes.

It takes Scarlets just under 3 months to be ready for harvest, but they will be producing proficiently by then. So, what to do with all those fabulous beans? As mentioned before, be sure to soak, sprout, ferment, or cook the beans properly no matter what your culinary plans may be. If you decide to can Scarlets, know the canning process does heat the beans to a high enough temperature to adequately reduce toxins, making them safe to eat. Below is a recipe I like to use that incorporates soaking and cooking the Scarlets, plus bacon! What could be better?

Beans and Bacon


1 pound Scarlet Runner Beans, rinsed
6 slices smoked bacon (I prefer thick cut), chopped into large pieces
1 large white or yellow onion, chopped
2 large garlic cloves, smashed and chopped
1 tablespoon Amontillado sherry
2 cups broth
2 bay leaves
1 teaspoon dried thyme*
½ teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
½ teaspoon DeLallo instant Espresso
Salt and fresh ground pepper to tastes
Olive Oil


Soaking the Scarlets:
Place beans in a pot or bowl
Cover with water
Soak 6 hours at room temperature


Place bacon in a large pot, over medium heat
Cook until the bacon is browned, but not crispy
Add a small amount of olive oil to the pot
Add garlic
Cook until fragrant
Add onions
Cook until slightly translucent
Scrape bottom of pot to combine any browned bits
Add Amontillado
Turn heat to medium-high and bring to a boil
Cook for 1-2 minutes or until reduced slightly
Drain and rinse beans
Add broth, bay leaves, thyme, crushed red pepper flakes, and beans to the pot with the bacon
Add enough water to cover beans by 1”
Cover pot with a lid
Reduce heat to a low
Simmer for 1 hour, stirring occasionally and adding additional water if needed to keep beans covered
Add DeLallo
Continue cooking for an additional hour or until beans are tender, but not mushy or falling apart
Serve while warm and enjoy!

*Other spices can be used here if you prefer. Try rosemary, sage, oregano, or whatever sounds good to you!

Sensational Scarlets!

Scarlet Runner Beans are beautiful and delicious all in one package. They are fun to grow and delicious to enjoy. While they do require some preparation before consuming, they are a delight to have on the menu. Even if you aren’t into eating them, they make a striking and prominent garden addition. So whether you are going for looks or flavor, the Scarlet Runner Bean is a great the legume to try!


Choose My US Department of Agriculture. SuperTracker.

Oregon State University Extension Service. February 19, 2003. Oregon State University. Runner beans are beautiful and edible.


  1. I inter-plant Scarlet Runner Beans with all my fruit trees, grape vines and trellised & fenced berry vines. They are the easiest to grow and are huge bean producers. The hummingbirds adore them! What a bean!

  2. Hi Bobbi, Thanks for all of the good info., I grew these beans quite a few years ago as one of the first runners I got in together with a seed pack that supplied a variety of ”basic vegetable patch” types.

    One very important thing you left out though, is that Scarlett and some other Runner bean types Can In Fact survive a winter to re-sprout the following spring almost like a perennial (more likely as a short lived perennial – in my case, they lasted two years).

    I didn’t know this and so, I didn’t actually top-dress with any mulch or dig up the roots for over-wintering storage, they survived both in pots and in the soil, whilst they took a little while to sprout (maybe the slugs were nipping the tips off without my knowledge), they eventually outgrew the current season’s pot sown varieties and out yielded them throughout the season.

    Please note that this was in a slightly milder winter than usual (London [outskirts] UK Temperate climate)

  3. In addition to looks and flavor, they also provide food for hummingbirds and pollinator insects. In fact, we planted them for the first time this past season because they were in a pack of hummingbird attractor flowers that my son was given. We often saw hummers at the vines, as well as various bees.
    We are drying the beans, so haven’t actually tried them yet.

  4. I grew this very variety in the wet UK climate about 3 years back, although not ideal for dry harvest, they were abundant in yield and surprisingly the roots over-wintered and resprouted the next spring! I didn’t even mulch at all

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