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Permaculture Livestock Systems Course

Join us for the Permaculture Livestock Systems Course at Zaytuna Fram, home of the Permaculture Research Institute. We have five days jam-packed full of hands-on knowledge, tips and tricks for your Permaculture farm!

We are not just teaching this course from a classroom, we are teaching it from a living classroom because we live with these systems every day of the year.

We have developed these systems over years of trial and error and it has been a long journey and we have consulted and taught what we have learnt and are still learning on projects across the world.

We have worked on projects in all climates, landscapes and landscape profiles adjusting to the local requirements. We have been a trusted reference for many people, projects and organisations because we have results on the ground and we take a professional approach to helping people understand permaculture design.

We can help you to understand how to get started and get to where you want to be because we have been in the same position ourselves and we can share that journey of failures and successes, trials and errors. This will enable you to fast track your systems and we will be able to back you up with follow up information online through our websites.


What will you learn

  • Cell grazing and foraging systems
  • Cattle lane way systems

Cell grazing is not a new option when it comes to animal management. However, at Zaytuna Farm we have a dynamic and advanced cell moving method that combines age-old and newly discovered techniques and strategies.

The Zaytuna Farm grazing method, invented by Geoff Lawton, hybridizes a multitude of different animal management systems from Allan Savory to Joel Salatin and Regen Ag. This grazing method then incorporates a Permaculture twist that will regenerate landscape and grow both productive food, crops, and even vegetation for other uses such as timber, nutrient accumulation, and wildlife habitat.

  • House cow dairy design and operation/s
  • Small beef cattle herding
  • Milking and meat goats for property maintenance, soil fertility conditioning, preparation for reforesting, farm forestry and food forests
  • Low cost and flexible fencing
  • Water supply and mineralization through feed and manure enhancement
  • Night yard design and manure collection
  • Housing, fencing, feeding, manure harvest, food production, health issues, working functions and breed selection covered for chickens, ducks, rabbits, geese, quail and pigeons.


Further Readings



Geoff Lawton

Geoff Lawton is the main facilitator for this course. He a Permaculture consultant, designer and teacher. He first took his Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) Course with Bill Mollison in 1983. He holds a Diploma in Permaculture Education, Design, Implementation, System Establishment, Administration and Community Development given by the founder of Permaculture, Bill Mollison.

Geoff has undertaken thousands of jobs teaching, consulting, designing, administrating and implementing, in 6 continents and close to 50 countries around the world. Clients have included private individuals, groups, communities, governments, aid organizations, non-government organisations and multinational companies.

He has currently educated over 13,000 students in Permaculture worldwide. These include graduates of the Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) Course and courses focused on the practical design of sustainable soil, water, plant, and legal and economic systems.

Permaculture expert Geoff Lawton.



This course will be taught at Zaytuna Farm, home of The Permaculture Research Institute in The Channon, Northern NSW. As one of the leading Permaculture demonstration sites in the world, Zaytuna Farm has a range of functioning systems including water harvesting, food production and a very productive animal husbandry. All of which will add to the learning experience and make this course a very rich experience and one not to be missed.

So if you’re grazing animals, or thinking about it, please join us!

Head over to our bookings page to secure a place today!

The Permaculture Research Insitute

PRI Zaytuna Farm functions as a model farm (in development) and permaculture training facility. Geoff and Nadia Lawton, world-renowned permaculture educators and consultants, lead the project. Much of Geoff and Nadia’s time over the last few years has been spent away from the Institute, consulting and helping set up projects in diverse locales around the world. Seeing the worldwide demand for knowledgeable permaculture consultants and teachers increase exponentially, as fuel and fertiliser prices skyrocket and the effects of climate change, soil depletion and water shortages begin to hit hard, priority and focus is now shifting back to the Institute, where growing the training program will increase the output of quality teachers to help fill the growing need for them.

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