BiodiversityBiofuelsGMOsHealth & DiseaseSoil Erosion & ContaminationWater Contaminaton & Loss
Island Earth: Documentary
A documentary exploring the GMO controversy in Hawaii and those determined to create more local and sustainable food systems.
Hawaii is a microcosm of our planet
Your support will help me finish shooting and pay for an editor and producer to make this film as factual, good-looking and easy to understand as possible so that it may serve as a tool for organizations working to change the ways we grow and consume food in the US and around the world.
All profits from this film will go towards supporting education and to those families who’ve been directly affected by pesticide exposure.
Find out more and support this project here!
Puerto Rico by far is the worst of all GMO’s guinea pigs laboratories in the world. With an accommodating government and far away from mainland USA for anyone to notice.