Health & Disease

Jeff Iliff: One More Reason to Get a Good Night’s Sleep (TED video)

The brain uses a quarter of the body’s entire energy supply, yet only accounts for about two percent of the body’s mass. So how does this unique organ receive and, perhaps more importantly, rid itself of vital nutrients? New research suggests it has to do with sleep.

Further Reading:

One Comment

  1. Do we know if they were measuring transfer volume differences during different stages of the sleep cycle?

    I am practicing polyphasic sleep right now and am enjoying the consequences of sleeping 3 hours a night and 20 minute naps every 4 hours. The optimal schedule would be a reduction down to 1.5 hours/night and during busy times simply 20 minute naps every 4 hours.

    One of the side effects of making the initial Sleep Deprivation Transition is a much improved ability to quickly go to sleep, dream deeply and wake about 12-15 minutes later. Every 4 hours I start to desire sleep like a pressure. When I do so I awake feeling vastly refreshed as if I just slept a good nights sleep… and that feeling lasts about 4 hours.

    If anyone has access to the full version of the journal I would question whether or not Polyphasic sleep is working for me and the others who have switched due to the Cerebral Spinal Fluid most optimally transferring during REM or Delta (which we reach quickly in our 20 minute naps) with the alpha stage (80% of sleep) being similar to the Wakeful (beta) state and having low CSF transfer efficiencies.

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