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Soil Carbon Cowboys – Case Studies in Holistic Management (video)
Meet Allen Williams, Gabe Brown and Neil Dennis — heroes and innovators! These ranchers now know how to regenerate their soils while making their animals healthier and their operations more profitable. They are turning on their soils, enabling rainwater to sink into the earth, rather than run off. And these turned on soils retain that water, so the ranches are much more resilient in drought. It’s an amazing story that has just begun.
Further Reading/Watching:
- Advanced Cell Grazing – Permaculture Livestock Systems at Zaytuna Farm
- Geoff Lawton’s Zaytuna Farm Video Tour – Part II (See the section on cattle laneways, starting 1:06:00)
- Holistic Management
- Occam’s Grazer – an Introduction to Holistic Management
Would be interested to see how the drinking water supply is provisioned? And do the cattle go elsewhere in the winter?
thank for this searches about soil carbon
Really pleased to see this innovation. Rather worried to see the World Bank is involved…
It’s so very exciting to see videos like this! I wish EVERY farmer could see these and talk to the farmers who have changed over. Monsanto and their ilch would have to change their business model for sure.
Excellent work.
Unless you have solid evidence on the carbon sequestration in the soil being continual (not just for the first 5-8 years as per Rodale Institute White paper) then you have a real problem offsetting the enteric fermentation from ruminant livestock. Certainly this produces better fodder but you need to consider the total environmental impact and methane is 84x as potent a GHG as CO2 on a per molecule basis — so that means there is a need to continuously sequester a lot of carbon in the soil to be even carbon neutral let alone sequestering like we need agriculture to do to get to negative net emissions in a decade.