National Permaculture Day – May 6, 2012
Sponsorship opportunity in permaculture: businesses, local groups, entrepreneurs, consultants & trainers.
Dear Permaculture Practitioners and Local Groups
National Permaculture Day (NPD) showcases the practices of permaculture to the public. Businesses and local groups show permaculture in action — through markets, demonstrations, ‘open houses and gardens’, and local events in city and country.
The day has run nationally for three years, supported first by individuals and local groups, and last year by a grant of $17,900 from the federal government. It is part of the developing move for a national presence for permaculture.
In 2012 the day will be self-funded, and we are seeking contributions from all business and groups within permaculture to fund the website, advertising, postage, posters and flyers that publicises the activities of the day and provide links to businesses and groups. To see the existing website (which will be updated for 2012) and to register your event, go to:
While the construction of a national body develops, this year’s organisers of NPD include Penny Pyett (the national coordinator in 2010 and 2011) Gillian Kozicki (who presented the concept and Australian practice to the IPC in Jordon in 2011) and Lauren Pothof (the web master and graphic designer who assisted with the day 2009-2011)
It promises to be a bigger bolder and better day this year with all sorts of events and activities planned. This national event is quickly becoming international with countries such as South Africa, UK, US, Canada, India, Kenya, Jordan and a host of others interested in participating.
NPD is strictly a not-for-profit activity, and funding is needed essentially to support the web presence of the day, the chief publicity and marketing mechanism of the event.
This is a unique opportunity to bring your permaculture work to the attention of an interested public. The day supports many events at the homes and gardens of individuals, and many of these locations would be well suited to demonstrations of permaculture goods and services currently available.
Aims and objectives of National Permaculture Day
National Permaculture Day is a day to promote and celebrate permaculture. It’s a day where our collective effort is consolidated, providing maximum focus on permaculture across Australia.
The day brings many benefits. It:
- Invites the public to learn more about permaculture
- Provides inspiration, ideas and solutions
- Grows membership for local groups
- Builds local community
- Directs people to permaculture courses and workshops
- Provides media opportunities
- Provides permaculture business opportunities
- Encourages the development of new permaculture demonstration sites
- Provides permaculture people and groups an opportunity to demonstrate their skills
- Provides an annual event to bring a cohesive whole to permaculturalists across Australia and beyond.
If you would like to be a sponsor of National Permaculture Day or support NPD with a financial contribution (no matter how small) please make a direct transfer to Bendigo Bank BSB 633-000, Account Number 1452 11884, showing your name or organisation. Please then notify us by email so that all contributions can be acknowledged promptly and recorded. Full financial accountability records will be published on the NPD website and audited commercially. Any surplus will be transferred to next year’s event. Where businesses charge a fee for events on the day, we ask that a tithe be allocated for NPD 2013.
Yours faithfully
Penny Pyett. NPD Coordinator 2012
pennypyett (at) (02) 98882575
Penny, you are amazing, the way you make such big things happen.
How about getting somebody to design a thrilling Coogle doodle for the day, for the world to see. x