Tell the FDA to Label My Food
In a country that labels everything from cosmetics to cleaning agents, it’s surprising that there are no laws in the U.S. requiring labeling of genetically engineered foods.
The FDA undertakes no GMO safety testing on its own. Instead, they allow companies like Monsanto, who told us that their DDT, PCBs, and Agent Orange was safe, to determine if their GMOs are safe. Internal FDA documents revealed that the agency’s own scientists warned of serious health risks, and urged long-term testing–but were denied. Now many doctors prescribe non-GMO diets, citing serious health disorders in lab animals fed GMOs. Don’t be a lab animal!
There are many reasons why Americans want labeling of genetically engineered foods. Whatever the reason is that brought you here, what unites us all is that we all want to make informed choices about the food we eat and feed our families. We have a right to know if what we are eating has been genetically engineered.
We have a right to know what’s in our food.
Thank you for your support!
The FDA has made it illegal to label food as being “GMO-Free.” We don’t need more laws giving more authority to the FDA, we need fewer.
JBob – it is deregulation that has brought GMOs upon us in the first place, and that has ensured Big Biotech Industry execs are firmly entrenched in the revolving door between their own industry and the FDA – and which has thus enabled them to write their own laws.
Watch The World According to Monsanto, and you’ll see footage of Bush Senior stating, when confronted with Monsanto’s complaints as he toured their lab that they were being restricted in their work, that they should contact his people, as “we’re now in the deregulation business”:
Yes, it is “regulatory capture” of the FDA by Monsanto that has allowed that company to spread potentially dangerous technology without being contested by fair courts where issues of personal harm and trespass could be decided by science. And to make all this possible/profitable, government-granted monopolies in the form patent laws have been used to further enrich their cronies at Monsanto by oppressing farmers. Truly, the GMO debacle has required the aid of government at every step.
JBob – I’ve repeatedly said that the ‘government’ we have now is not government at all. It’s a corporatocracy. It’s a neo-liberal free-for-all pretending to be democracy. True government would be truly representative, and most people would be involved in it. Our present governments look nothing like that at all and the rest of us mostly either look the other way and ignore it, or we just complain from the sidelines. Our present ‘government’ are effectively just a pretentious face for corporate captains.
Your court-solves-everything scenario, in your self-interest-motivated and privatised world, would be little different than today – where cases are brought after the fact, rather than laws applying the precautionary principles before the damage gets done, and where those with money win, and those who don’t, don’t. Unbiased scientists are routinely stifled when they say anything against financial interests. You are talking about unbiased courts and science – but who would pay for that, if there no money to be made from the work of said scientists? In your world view, there would be no tax, so there would be no fund-for-the-public good to draw on to have that unbiased scientific research.
JBob. Your remove-all-government-and-laws argument seems to neatly avoid the dilemmas it creates, as in those I shared with you over here. I keep asking you to present your case, and you won’t, and I give you examples of where your fantasy cult fails to address reality, but still you persist as if you’re convincing someone.
The only thing I like about your remove all government idea is that at least it would stop the pretension that we have one and would make more obvious what we need to do to replace our present system. But, you stop with removing and leave the rest to selfishness and magic solving everything.
I wouldn’t rely on the court system to produce a just outcome for society. Yes, you will get a legal outcome, but it represents a reflection of the law makers wishes and this involves the will of both the political and the top end of the legal system. It is not for no reason that a lot of politicians are ex members of the legal profession.
Your thoughts about the legal system are rather simplistic because your unstated belief is that it is operating in the best interests of society. Mark my words, the legal system seeks to administer itself, a just outcome can be possible but it is not guaranteed.
Read up and learn.