
Bill Mollison and Geoff Lawton to Teach PDC in Northern Hemisphere!

Take a PDC with Bill Mollison & Geoff Lawton in Istanbul

Photo © Craig Mackintosh

Bill Mollison and Geoff Lawton are going to Istanbul to teach students from Europe and the Middle East. The Permaculture Design Certificate course starts on November 21, 2010 and finishes on December 4.

Since the first Permaculture Design Course was offered in 1972, people from widely diverse backgrounds and interests have graduated. Farmers, ranchers, landowners, foresters, landscape designers, architects, builders, planners, developers, accountants, financiers, bankers, publishers, attorneys, aid workers, educators, environmentalists and high school students have all brought Permaculture techniques into their homes, businesses and communities. This course is for anyone interested in gaining practical skills and perspective for sustainable living and productivity.

During this two week course, you will gain an understanding of Permaculture theory, building your knowledge in all the aspects necessary to become fully conversant with Permaculture design. By the end of the course, you will be able to confidently create your first Permaculture design plan.

Find out more and book here!

Download Brochure here (450kb PDF).


  1. A pearl of great value

    “I love and leave my books, but I’ll never part with this one. I look at it daily and always find something new and edifying.

    The book’s raison d’etere is Alexander’s magnificent collection, displayed in glorious photos. But if you feel frustrated/disgusted or uncomfortable/uneasy toward modern design, art, or architecture, you’ll appreciate Alexander’s axioms for objectively evaluating the aesthetic quality of the carpets. Alexander hopes that a generalized version of these axioms will save us from the ugliness of modernism and get human beings back into the business of creating truly beautiful things, whether carpets, buildings, comptuer programs, etc. That’s why he titled it “A foreshadowing…”

    Alexander comments on each carpet in the collection, describing the fascinating detective work that went into placing and dating each piece, as well as pointing out the most noteworthy elements of the patterns and colors. His commentary causes me to appreciate each carpet as a historical piece with tremendous significance to today — the carpets are seemingly messengers from the past, reminding us of truths that have long been dormant in the human spirit.

    He describes the best carpets as evoking a presence that is both human and divine. He says that a reliable way to judge the “better” of two carpets is to ask people which of the two they would choose to represent their own self or soul. Even carpet-naive people will consistently choose the more valuable carpet, even if it’s not the one they “like” best. Interesting, right?”

    V. Alexander

    “Alexander hopes that a generalized version of these axioms will save us from the ugliness of modernism and get human beings back into the business of creating truly beautiful things, whether carpets, buildings, comptuer programs, etc.”

    I should surely add permaculture design!

  2. I would like to come to this PDC, but… I am by myself, is anyone coming from italy?
    Let me know :)

  3. Hi Ceidre,
    I have made contact with a couple of people which are coming from Italy, but I will be very glad to meet you in Istanbul! :) Thanks for letting me know :-))
    I can’t wait to attend the course!!

  4. Great fırst day!Thanks to all.
    to share wıth you all some ınspıratıons that relate


    The Weepıng Camel


    Mutant Message from Down Under by Marlo Morgan


    People – by People Project

    More to come as ıt comes……remember -none of us are out of money we are just not thınkıng properly -Bıll Mollıson and -reformat the desktop of your lıfe, beyond vısıonary, be a solutıonary. – Jeff Lotten. Love ıt.

    Yesım Gumus of Canada and Turkey

  5. Amaizing experiance!!! I’ve been waiting for this course for so long… Thank you Bill, thank you Geoff. We’re gonna clean this mess up and leave a better place to our children, with all your help :)))

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