Help Miraji from Tanzania Take Part in Global Education!
Miraji Muganda |
His name is Miraji Muganda. He is a 17 year old Tanzanian boy, who lives in Musoma on Lake Victoria. Tanzania suffers from poverty and environmental exploitation. At 14, Miraji followed an Australian Permaculture teacher when he went to pray in the Mosque of his city and introduced himself. He wanted to learn and wanted to help – to do what he could. Geoff, the Permaculture teacher, invited him to his courses and Miraji has been practicing and teaching Permaculture himself ever since. He started a project in his school, told teachers and fellow students about his new knowledge, trying to inject them with "his poison," as he likes to say. He is working seriously and with determination for a sustainable future – not only for himself, but wants to help the people in his country. He is one of those who has the potential to reach people’s hearts with his enthusiasm for change.
Tamera is building a Permaculture lake landscape as a model against desertification |
On July 18th Miraji wants to travel to Portugal, to the Peace Research Center Tamera and attend a six week gathering of young peace workers from all over the world – people who have the same goals as him from Colombia to the Middle East, from Tibet to Mexico, the US to Europe. Young people who are actively working for change and real alternatives will gather in Tamera. Tamera is a community of 200 people who has been researching for more than thirty years: How can we create a sustainable ecology that no longer exploits the Earth? How can we supply ourselves with energy without being dependent on big industries? How do we create lasting communities and truthful human relations of trust which no longer break apart when they face the usual conflicts around fear, jealously, competition and anger?
Young people coming together to share new ideas of trust and transparency |
This summer, the International Youth Center of Tamera invites young leaders from all over the world to study this model and to come together. We want to exchange, we want to study, to make art and find out what we all share in common. We want to connect to the global urgency and seriously find out what a new global youth movement could look like – a movement that can bring the youth of the world together with real perspectives and higher meaning for their lives. For six weeks we want to create a visionary space where will know more about what we could offer to all the young people who are desperately looking for a change right now.
The Solar Power Village is going to be an educational place for young people |
Miraji is a young leader who wants to be given the chance to be a carrier of global change. In Tamera he will learn social skills for building community, he will be able to connect to a global circle of young people working together and supporting each other and he will get in touch with the Solar Power Village, a solar self-sufficient settlement model for impoverished and sun rich countries that is currently being researched and has been developed here in Tamera – knowledge he can take home, along with the possibility for a long term future cooperation.
Unfortunately, our budget was suddenly and unexpectedly limited and so we cannot cover his expenses. Still, we really believe it must be possible for him to come to Tamera. We only need 1000 euros to make his travel possible – but we need it by next week. We know this request comes at very short notice, but together – we can make the impossible possible.
You can use the donate button below to contribute. We thank you already now.
Editor’s Note: If we receive partial contributions that are not enough to cover Miraji’s travel costs, we can refund the money back to you (if you specify thus in the note section of Paypal’s payment process) or divert to another needy cause – like the development of the Jordan project.
Do you have contacts for Miraji? I run an orphanage and outreach center in Bagamoyo, Tanzania looking for people who know about permaculture to help us on our farm. If Miraji really does have a good grasp of permaculture design principles, I’d love to hire him. Please send his contacts, or send him my email if he would like to discuss.
Thank you!
Terri Place
Miraji Muganda mirajimuganda (at)
Hi Geoff can i get more contact,even all over the place.
i would like also to work in Zaytuna farm,i like to do that.
email [email protected]
regards miraji